Right upper chest discomfort gallbladder
Right upper chest discomfort gallbladder

right upper chest discomfort gallbladder

Chest pain is triggered by physical activity and relieved by rest.Chest pain that spreads to your arms, shoulders, jaw, neck, or back.Pain that may also occur in your upper back, both arms, neck, or ear lobes.A pressing, squeezing, or crushing pain, usually in the chest under your breastbone or as a tight band under your breasts.The character of coronary heart disease pain (anginal pain): Faulty diet habits such as overeating, fatty, and fast food.Family history of coronary heart disease.Increased blood cholesterol and lipids (hyperlipidemia).Males are more commonly affected than females.Who are at high risk of getting coronary heart disease: The blood is delivered through the coronary arteries to the heart muscle.Īny partial or complete occlusion of a coronary artery can lead to anginal pain (heart attack). The heart muscle itself needs blood to contract. Coronary heart disease.Ī less common but severe and potentially life-threatening condition is a decreased blood supply to the heart. However, it can go away on its own after months or years.įunctional dyspepsia is probably the most common cause of the feeling of a tight band under the breasts. All treatments aim to control the symptoms. Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure for functional dyspepsia. Instead, your doctor must first exclude similar conditions such as peptic ulcer, chronic gastritis, and IBS. You cannot diagnose yourself based on symptoms. Early satiety (sense of fullness after eating very little.įunctional dyspepsia is a disease of exclusion.Discomfort or a tight band or fullness in the upper abdomen below the breasts is mainly after eating.A feeling of a tight band in the upper stomach area or under the breasts.Symptoms are suggestive of functional dyspepsia. Alternations in the gut microbiota (organisms naturally living inside your digestive system).Hypersensitivity of your digestive system (Low tolerance to pain).

right upper chest discomfort gallbladder right upper chest discomfort gallbladder

Motility diseases of the stomach such as gastroparesis.Psychological factors play a significant role in functional dyspepsia (constant stress, worry, anxiety, etc.).Your doctor will not find gastritis or stomach ulcers. The exact cause of functional dyspepsia is still unknown. The symptoms of dyspepsia are often related to food (after meals). Up to 20% of the world population (one in every five persons) suffer from functional dyspepsia ( reference).įunctional dyspepsia or Non-ulcer dyspepsia is a condition in which you feel discomfort, fullness, or pain in the upper stomach area (epigastric). Common causes include functional dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome, gastroparesis, coronary heart disease, gallbladder diseases, etc. A sense of tight band under the breast can arise from either your chest organs or your abdomen.

Right upper chest discomfort gallbladder